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Chelsey Nugteren

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5 Tips for Women in a Facebook World

Facebook has changed the way people interact with each other. Here are 5 tips for women on Facebook regarding their personal life and romantic relationships

September 27, 2012

A New You: Episode 243

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10 Things I Wish They Told Me at College Orientation: Part 2

  Better late than never — five more tips for college students (see part 1): 6. Summer/semester lovin’ isn’t as harmless as Sandy and Danny make it seem. Dating is fun, but no one ever said it is harmless. Go on a few dates to test the waters, but …

10 Things I Wish They Told Me at College Orientation

After spending most of my life dreading the end of summer, now as a college graduate, I would love to reunite with my college friends and start a new semester. I hold on to many sweet memories of college, yet I have to admit I am definitely enjoying my …

The Walk of Grace

Most girls spend years dreaming of what this day will look like. I never spent much time dreaming about the color of the flowers or what shade of white my dress would be, but I spent a significant amount of time closing my eyes, trying my best to get a …

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