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Culture Segment

Life as a Kingdom Single (Part 1)

Guests: Tony Evans,

19:44 – 

Sitting alone at church. Scrolling through Facebook. Watching everyone squeal over a friend’s new diamond ring. Sometimes, it seems like every situation is a reminder of your single status. But is that a bad thing? Not according to Dr. Tony Evans. As a pastor, he has the privilege of counseling hundreds of singles with scriptural truth about the challenges and privileges of living single. He believes God has uniquely blessed and equipped the unmarried in ways we often overlook. Want to be encouraged and empowered with where God has you as a single adult today? Listen in as Lisa talks to Tony about spiritual authority, completeness, and why being single may be the best thing for you right now.

Donate a gift of any amount to Boundless and get Dr. Tony Evans’ book “Kingdom Single: Complete and Fully Free”

More with Lisa Anderson and Dr. Tony Evans

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