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Empathy: A Hard-Won Gift

What better way to represent our Lord and serve others than with the gift of empathy?

Don’t Marry Yourself

Here’s what you really need in a potential spouse.

The Reason You’re Not Married (Might Be Looking You in the Mirror)

If you wonder why nobody seems to be the right fit, maybe it’s time to ask what you expect in a spouse and how realistically you’re assessing yourself.

Latest from the Blog

3 women on a hike, part of their monthly ritual

Why You Need Rituals

We need to remember who we are in Jesus and what He’s calling us to do, and rituals give us an opportunity to do just that.

3 people in a park talking - a triangulation

How to Gradually Ruin a Good Relationship

Emotional triangles may involve individuals, issues or groups, but there’s always a third (negative) pillar propping up the relationship.

a Bible in front of a Christmas tree - keeping Christmas all year round

Keeping Christmas All the Year

What would it look like to honor Christmas beyond December?

a man and woman in relationship, getting dinner

A Guy’s Perspective: How Not to Freak a Girl Out

Pursuing a woman effectively must be a series of small, consistent actions that paint a larger picture of where we, as men, are taking a relationship.

a woman standing in the snow, warding off the holiday loneliness

4 Ways to Ward Off Holiday Loneliness

I can’t promise that you won’t feel lonely this Christmas, but I can promise that God is there for you and He cares.

Latest from the Show

January 16, 2025

Build Your Confidence: Episode 885

57:48 – What confidence looks like, plus a young adult’s journey with chronic pain, and how to honor God in everyday life.