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20+C+M+B+25: An Epiphany

Epiphany provides grown-ups a child-like opportunity to scribble on doors with chalk.

God With Us

Bringing Christmas to others is about extending God’s presence to them … through me.

Sorry, But We’ve Gone Crazy

Sex madness is not first a problem of situation, location or relationship. Our problems are deeply spiritual.

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a man with a beard standing in front of a bulletin board - finding true fulfillment

How To Find True Fulfillment

Finding our identity and fulfillment in things of this world is a shaky foundation to base our lives upon. These things can be taken away at any moment.

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New Year, New You!

Instead of making resolutions you can’t keep, why don’t you try these things for the year ahead?

a Bible in front of a Christmas tree - keeping Christmas all year round

Keeping Christmas All the Year

What would it look like to honor Christmas beyond December?

a sad woman sitting on her bed surrounded by Christmas lights, not having a perfect Christmas

Why This Christmas Won’t Be Perfect

Because of Christmas, we have hope that God will always be with us in our loneliness and disappointment and grief, and that He will redeem all of it.

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An Unoffended Heart

When circumstances don’t play out the way we desire, there is a temptation to feel hopeless and believe that God won’t come through.

Latest from the Show

January 9, 2025

Rethinking Alcohol: Episode 884

54:20 – The difference between rest and procrastination, plus a challenge to go 40 days alcohol-free, and do girlfriends need to submit to their boyfriends?