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Matt Ehresman

Matt Ehresman works as the creative media director at First MB Church in Wichita, Kan. He loves using video, images, words and sounds to help people think about things that matter. He is a graduate of Sterling College and Regent University and an expert on all things Mountain Dew and superheroes. He is the proud husband of Tillie and occasionally frustrated owner of Jarvis (their mini Aussie).


Most Recent

Dear Artists, We Need You

At a concert, I felt a profound truth in a new way. Because truth feels more real when it’s displayed by artists — in a song, book, painting, movie.

3 Things to Do Before Turning 30

As of yesterday, I am officially old. Yes, I celebrated my 30th birthday this week. Here are three things I recommend working on before you turn 30.

Thou Shalt Have Fun

Our culture moves very fast, everyone is busy and we have a lot on our plates. Maybe we just need to add a splash of fun.

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