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Tenell Felder and her dog

Tenell Felder

Tenell Felder lives in Columbia, SC and is the dog mom of a feisty Scottish terrier mix. She enjoys spending time with friends, going on walks and serving with her church.

Most Recent

Seasons Change

It occurred to me that nature’s rhythms, including the changing of the seasons, can point us to the ways of our Creator.

Daily Bread

Since God tells us we are not to live on bread alone, but on His Word, I think we can safely make that assumption — we need daily spiritual bread.

God’s Friend

God was addressing the very thing that was wrong with my heart. I was pandering to the world’s “friendship” at the expense of my relationship with God.

God, Have You Forgotten Me?

Do you sometimes think you’ve been forgotten or overlooked by God? I sometimes question if God’s love for me is sufficient.

With Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, let’s celebrate the day by reflecting on our awesome God and thanking Him for the countless ways He cares for us.

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