How Do I Get My Boyfriend to Pursue Me?
How do I get my boyfriend to pursue me again?
How can I get a date?
When I am utterly without prospects, how do I make myself attractive?
What’s the truth about guys and porn?
Do all men struggle with pornography? Is an addiction to pornography impossible (or nearly impossible) to overcome? How does this issue affect dating decisions?
Can any man ever forgive my past?
After my sexual mistakes, I feel I’ve been taken through the heart of the Gospel and am more pure now than ever.
How discriminatory should I be about personal preferences in dating?
While I hope to be open to whatever — or whomever — God has for me, I’m wondering how picky I should be.
How do I honor my father’s decisions when he has memory loss?
How can I still honor and respect him and his wisdom when making decisions? Also, when I have a guy who’s interested in me, how can I involve him in the courtship process?
Should a dating couple go to the same church?
Should a dating couple go to the same church, and if so, whose?
Should I Date a Woman I Am Not Certain Is a Christian?
How should I show her who Christ is? Is it OK to pursue a further relationship in hopes that she might believe in Christ?
My Boyfriend Can’t Work Because of Anxiety
He still struggles with anxiety, which has prevented him from working. He says he does want to work and not be dependent on others. And he has taken the step of seeking therapy from a Christian counselor. However, I still have doubts.
How can I become worthy of a good man?
He is all I pray for in a man and more. But I have realized that I am not good enough for a man like him.