Whew, that’s a tall order given that the overarching theme of the whole Bible is love. It would be impossible to cram all that God says about love into this short column. I will, however, suggest a few passages for study:
As to your question about asking your male friend how he feels about you, I think that’s a whole different issue. Thankfully, it’s one we’ve talked about before, with lots of good articles to help you in your dilemma. For starters, I’d recommend a verse: 1 Timothy 5:1-2 says, “Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.” That’s a great starting point for how to relate to a man you’ve fallen for. It’s also a standard for judging how he treats you. If you each approach the other as a “sibling” in Christ, there’s less room for misunderstanding and heartache.
Now for those practical what-to-do-in-your-situation articles: I’d suggest starting with “How are women to relate to men they’re interested in?” It quickly answers seven questions related to your situation including, “What does a girl do when she likes someone?” “How does a girl gracefully let a guy friend know she’s interested and would like him to pursue her?” and “How should a woman let a man know she’s interested without being too aggressive?”
For more in-depth help, especially if the lines in your relationship are blurry, read, “How to Get Clarity in Your Relationship.”
You’re right; at its core this is an issue of how you’ll love your friend. But the love God calls us to is a lot different than what you’ll see on TV, in movies and in the culture around us. I pray God will give you wisdom and discernment to know the difference.
Copyright 2009 Candice Watters. All rights reserved.