and the New Testament more times than I can count. I don’t get
the concept of reading the same message day after day. The
Scriptures state that the word will be written on our hearts. I am
bored reading the Scriptures. I wish I wasn’t but the fact of the
matter is, I am bored.
I would like to hear what you have to say regarding my
When you practice a spiritual discipline, whether it’s reading
the Bible or praying or fasting or whatever, it’s absolutely critical
to remember the goal: greater connection with the living God.
Behind all of these disciplines is not a discipline; it’s a Person,
Jesus Christ, Who desires to know
us, to be in relationship with us. Reading the Bible can
become boring when the point is just to “get through” a certain
amount of Scripture in a certain time period. That’s not the
point. The point is daily connection with God, ultimately leading
to a moment-by-moment connection. God wants us not merely
to read about Him, but to walk
with Him.
I suggest that you take a step back to see the big picture
regarding your discipline of reading the Bible, and ask yourself a
key question: Why am I doing this? Is it merely to
accomplish a reading goal? To check off a “to do” list? To please
God? What pleases God is not simply the practice of a spiritual
discipline, but the end result of a deeper and more intimate
connection with His heart, leading to a passionate, vibrant
relationship with your Creator. Sometimes that’s accomplished
by reading, sometimes praying, sometimes just sitting reflecting
and meditating on His Word and His character, and sometimes
just listening quietly.
I remember reading in seminary a book on teaching the
Bible, written by Dr. Howard Hendricks, a professor at Dallas
Theological Seminary. In it he tells the story of a person who
came to him one day and said, with a hint of pride, “I’ve been
through the Bible 15 times, Dr. Hendricks!” I’ll never forget Dr.
Hendricks’ response: “Wonderful! Now, how many times has the
Bible been through you?”
That little encounter has stuck with me over the years,
gently reminding me that when I sit down to read my Bible, it’s
not about how much of it I can get through, but how much of it
gets through me.
Copyright 2006 John Thomas. All rights reserved.