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Joy Elusive

I want to walk in God-given joy, but how? As I searched Scripture for the answer, I discovered that joy isn’t always found in expected places.

Vocation Plans

Choosing an occupation can be dizzying. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Bowing to Convenience

Too many times I let convenience control my perspective and decisions, and even steal my joy and focus. Where does this attitude come from?

Minding Our Media

Is it possible to “keep your heart with all vigilance” when it comes to our entertainment choices?

Confessions of a Legalist

Legalism is dangerous because it defaces God in my heart. God reveals Himself through His words. When I add to them, I add something false to my understanding of who He is.

The Hindrance of a Hint

Being direct seems like tossing dry twigs into a roaring fire. Who knows what could go up in flames?

6 Steps to Great Dating

Just because we can’t find dating in the Bible doesn’t make it wrong. But you will need to go against the grain of your culture.