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8 Gifts You Can Give to Your Future Spouse Today

One of the hardest parts of waiting for marriage is the terrible feeling there is nothing we can do. Admittedly, there are always things we can do to increase our chances of meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right, but there certainly is no full-proof formula. You can follow all the advice on Boundless and still not feel one step closer to finding marriage. You can feel helpless.

While the waiting game can feel paralyzing, there are gifts you can give your future spouse right now. There are things you can do today that will be sweet gifts to your future spouse when the timing is right.

1. Make wise financial decisions.

This is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s a gift to learn how to follow a budget, to spend less than you make, to save for the future, to avoid debt, to make wise purchases, and to plan for the future. Good stewardship now will be a good gift to your future spouse.

2. Work hard each and every day.

It is a gift to our future spouses to learn how to work hard. As we work to improve our skills and avoid the temptation to be lazy, we give our future spouses the sweet confidence that we are both willing and able to provide for their future. Whether your work is inside or outside the home, learn to work diligently.

3. Relentlessly fight for purity.

Every effort we take to walk in purity is a sweet gift to our future spouse. When we fight to keep our hearts and minds pure, avoid lustful entertainment, set wise physical boundaries in each and every relationship, establish healthy accountability and repent quickly when we fail, it’s as though we are writing our future spouse a million-dollar check.

4. Carefully steward your health.

It can be a real struggle to take care of ourselves as singles. Fast food can become a fast habit. Exercise does not always feel like its own reward. But we must remember our future spouses will appreciate the strides we take to be healthy. Let your healthy choices be a very tangible gift to your future spouse.

5. Sharpen your mind.

One of the best gifts we can give our future spouses is a sharp mind. Become an expert in things that interest you. Ask interesting questions of life and seek solid answers. Learn to appreciate and enjoy great stories and great art. Become a master conversationalist. Let the Word of God be a place of regular training and instruction.

6. Write them a letter.

Take some time and write your future spouse a letter. Tell them about this moment in your life. Tell them about the things you are learning and speak from the heart. Share your hopes and dreams for the future and ways God is currently blessing you.

7. Cultivate community.

Build strong, lasting friendships. Learn to encourage, give, serve, and spend time with your friends. Learn to forgive people when you’ve been hurt. Learn to love when it’s tough to love. See your close friendships as a training ground for future marriage.

8. Pray for them.

This might be the most important advice on the list. Pray for your future spouse. Pray for their sanctification. Pray for their protection from the evil one. Pray they would walk in grace. Pray the precious promises of Christ over their lives. Pray over your future dating relationship, engagement and marriage. Turn your favorite Bible verses into prayers for your future spouse. Do this often. Make this a regular discipline. Never stop praying for your future spouse.

What other gifts are you giving your future spouse?

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About the Author

Andrew Hess

Andrew Hess is a Sr. Communications Specialist at Compassion International. He formally served as the director of content at the White Horse Inn and editor of His writing has also been featured on the Gospel Coalition. He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Jen and their young son. Andrew and Jen met at the very first Boundless Pursuit conference at Focus on the Family in 2014.

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