Every time I see a story about alcohol-related problems, it feels somewhat alien to me. I’ve never been drunk. Nobody in my family has a drinking problem, and to my knowledge, none of my friends do (though some of them have had bad experiences with others who do). I don’t frequent places where people are drunk, and never have. Alcohol’s just not a big part of my world.
And yet it is a huge part of the world. And while I’d guess most of you aren’t big-time drinkers, I’d also guess that alcohol abuse has had a more direct impact on your world. Family, friends, classmates, strangers behind the wheel — whether it’s been their abuse or your own, you’ve been affected by it.
Please talk about how big a role (if any) excessive drinking has had in your world — how much you see it, what damage it’s caused. If it hasn’t had a big role, say so. We’d just like to know the stories, with allowances for privacy and anonymity. And if you’d like to ask for prayers for a situation, don’t hesitate to do so.
(Note: The topic here isn’t drinking alcohol per se. It’s drunkenness. Please stick to that. Thanks!)