It’s been a tough week in many ways. I’ve failed to trust; I’ve seen others who are hurting, and I’ve been reminded of the brokenness that has taken hold in every area of human life. It reminded me of something I wrote awhile back, about a different topic, but it relates. I wanted to share it with you — just in case you’re in a spot where you’re very aware of what sin has done, how it has ruined and torn and battered. But read on to the end … there’s hope.
Today I feel sad and disheartened and sickened. I am tired of what
sin does to us — how it divides and breeds hatred, fear and accusations.
I am disappointed with how I contribute to this evil through my
thoughts, words and actions. I am frustrated with the lack of compassion
in my life and in the lives of others — we are so slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to become angry.
We hurt one another, and in a desire to protect ourselves and our own
interests, we allow ourselves to spew hatred and fester in bitterness.
NonChristians do it.
Christians do it.
We all do it.
In this past week I’ve heard and read and seen things that make my
heart ache. The topic really isn’t that important because the source is
all the same.
We are ruined by sin.
It overtakes and lies and controls.
What is most painful in my own life, and what is the most disheartening when I see it in other believers, is that we so often allow sin to devour. We see the enemy, prowling, waiting for a chance to pounce, and we call him over with glee. Instead of rejoicing that Jesus has freed us from sin, we snuggle up with heavy chains, shackling ourselves back into a life of slavery. The things we know we shouldn’t do, we do. The things that we know we should do, we reject.
We are just like our ancestors. We always resist the Holy Spirit.
What wretched people we are.
Liars, thieves, murderers, accusers, idolators. We are prideful,
judgmental, arrogant, condescending, rude. We justify, complain, defend.
We are bitter, angry, hurt, frightened, abusive, dangerous.
But by the grace of God. But by the grace of God.
We have been washed, sanctified and justified — so let’s live like it. The Spirit of the Living God — the God who raised Jesus from the dead — is at work in us.
The God who raised Jesus from the dead.
You guys. Let’s not grieve Him. Not with unwholesome talk, not with bitterness, rage, anger, slander or malice.
We are children of the Most High. Adopted, bought, heirs. Let’s allow
the Holy Spirit to sanctify. Let’s share the shalom of our God. Let us
hear together:
Yes, I am disheartened and saddened by myself, by others. But even in the midst of this, my heart skips a beat.
One day.
He will make all things new.
He will restore and heal and bind up. He will redeem what we have
broken. He will invite believers in Jesus to dwell with Him. We will be
His people, and He will be our God. Every inclination of our heart will
be to worship Him in purity.
And we will no longer be ruined by sin.
Because He was ruined for us.
And until then, sanctify us. Teach us to obey. Soften our hearts.
Help us to love you, Lord God, with all that we are. And to love our neighbors as ourselves. Bind us up that we may delight in your will and walk in your way for the glory of Your name.