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Decisions, Decisions

woman making a decision about ordering a coffee
How are you approaching the major decisions you're facing?

I reached a troubling realization today.

I’ve become one of those people whose coffee order comes dangerously close to being a small novel. My newest order is the “Venti Iced Nonfat Half Chai Half Pumpkin Spice Latte.” Hey, one of the baristas recommended it recently and I have to say it’s actually really good.

It reminds me of a line from the movie You’ve Got Mail:

The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don’t know what the [heck] they’re doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self.

Now, there are two things that stick out to me about that quote. First of all, the days when Starbucks charged only 2.95 for anything other than a standard coffee are long gone. Second, sadly the older I get, the more truth this statement seems to take on.

As life goes on, it seems there’s more and more at stake with every decision. It used to be where a decision could easily come down to what I wanted to do. Then suddenly there were pros and cons. And now I find myself frequently paralyzed by the “what if’s” that come to mind.

When we’re younger, the decisions don’t seem so monumental. If things didn’t go the way we hoped, it always felt like there would be plenty of time to recover. Now I’m 28, and I realize that the major decisions I’m facing will drastically affect the rest of my life.

I was thinking about this other day when suddenly Matthew 6:34 came to mind. And for the first time, it really made sense to me.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

I used to wonder why Jesus told us that. Surely there’s nothing wrong with thinking about the future is there?

But at this stage of life I interpret those words in a different way. Sometimes the big picture is so intimidating that it becomes difficult to even focus on today. And I think that’s what Jesus was warning us about.

It’s a reminder I’m having to keep in mind each day as I move forward in life. All I can do is commit the process to Him and make the best decision possible based on the guidance He gives me. It’s not always easy, but tomorrow is in no better set of hands than His.

How are you approaching the major decisions you’re facing? Do you find the unknown of the future is causing you to struggle in the present?

Copyright 2009 Nathan Zacharias. All rights reserved. 


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About the Author

Nathan Zacharias

Growing up, Nathan always had a passion for media, and he believes in its ability to shape a culture. A good word, a good image or good music can help people think, feel and change. Though he’s spent most of his years in Atlanta, he’s also lived in Colorado Springs and New York City. He and his wife, Sarah, married in 2011. They live in Atlanta with their dog, Belle.


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