I’ve been in Canada all summer, but right now I’m back in Denver. Yesterday, I was able to go to Wellspring, my church, for the first time in three months. It felt good to be home.
I started going to Wellspring when I moved to Denver to start seminary. I hated having to find a new church — I had loved my church in Colorado Springs, and finding a new place to worship felt like a burden. I did a bit of the usual “church hopping” for awhile, but I ultimately settled on Wellspring for a few reasons:
1. The Gospel
The leadership at my church loves the Lord. Every week the truth of Jesus is preached with conviction and grace. Yesterday, we talked about repentance at church, and it was beautiful. My pastor was able to talk about a difficult topic in a way that was honest, convicting and grace-filled. I know that each week the service — from the opening song, to the reading of Scripture, to the sermon, to communion — will be meaningful, intentional, and meant to draw us to the truth.
2. Location
I’ve not always gone to church close to where I live, and sometimes it’s not an option. But I’ve been grateful that my church was close to both my home and seminary. Not only did it mean less drive time when I was running behind on a Sunday morning, but it meant that I would run into people from church at Target or in the grocery store. I could easily attend events at church or stop by to help out.
3. Service
My church is located in one of the lower-income suburbs of Denver. It’s there intentionally. My pastor and the rest of the leadership are very committed to serving the community around them. Every week, the poor and homeless are invited to our church after the service for a meal, groceries, resources and prayer. The church provides counseling and help to those with addictions. This service helps so many people in the community, and what is so amazing is that many people who start out by just coming for a meal, end up coming to our church services and getting to know Jesus. When I look around our church I see an array of people — mature people, young people, seminary students, homeless, former drug addicts, former gossips — all there to worship Jesus who came to set us free from our sin. Jesus, who calls us to love one another.
Wellspring has shown me what it means to commit to a community, preach the Gospel, reach out to the poor and needy — all with truth and grace. It is important to find a church in your community that is truly committed to the work of Jesus.
So, as we look to ROCK THE BODY, share with us: Have you found a Gospel-centered church in your community? What are some things you feel are important in a church?
Copyright 2013 Denise Morris Snyder. All rights reserved.