You’re not the only one.
Who knew that these five simple words could have so much power and could
offer such hope? Let me explain.
I’m convinced that one of Satan’s greatest tools is isolation. We were meant
to live in community — to walk with one another and spur each other on toward
love and good deeds. And when we, whether consciously or unconsciously, allow
ourselves to lose sight of that, we’re vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. When
it seems like we’re the only ones going through something or struggling with a
particular issue, we can start to feel isolated. I’ve seen my own faith
weakened when I start to carry burdens I was never meant to carry alone, simply
because I thought no one else would understand.
I was reminded of the power of these words one night at my small group Bible
study. The girls were meeting to share prayer requests, and as each girl shared
her requests, there was lots of nodding from the others. A nod of the head or a
little sliver of a smile as if to say, “I’ve been there. I know that struggle.
I know that feeling. I know.” And it wasn’t surfacy things that were
being shared. Girls were vulnerable and sharing some very heavy things. And I
saw so clearly how one of the things we can offer, along with committing to
pray for one another, is understanding.
I mean, who hasn’t felt lonely before? Who hasn’t overreacted to a situation
at work? Who hasn’t overanalyzed a relationship? (Someone please tell
me I’m not the only one who does this!) The more we share our lives together,
both the good and the bad, the more we come to realize we’re not the only
one. And somehow knowing we’re not the only one struggling offers hope.
Isn’t it encouraging to know there’s someone else out there praying for you?
Someone who truly understands?
A friend and I were talking about blogging and how it can be scary to write
something personal and put it out there for others to respond to, either
positively or negatively. But she said something brilliant: “I’m willing to be
vulnerable because I’m convinced I’m not the only one.” Amen.
That’s what I so value about the Boundless community. I’ve often gotten to
the end of an article and felt encouraged because I thought I was the only one
who had ever thought that or felt that or done that. But there’s a certain hope
that comes with finding someone who shares the same things as you, isn’t there?
I’m not sure what the take-away is, other than knowing you’re not alone!
Ever felt like singleness is sometimes the only thing that defines you? You’re
not the only one. Ever thought that God has forgotten about you, and your
prayers must be bouncing off the ceiling? You’re not the only one. Ever been
told you’re not _____________ enough? You’re not the only one.
I’m reminded of Matt Redman’s song “Never Once.” Even when we feel like the
only one, we can rest knowing we have a God who understands. And because of
Him, never once did we ever walk alone.