One morning on my way to work last week, I took particular notice of my surroundings. The air had a touch of warmth, and the sun was shining in a clear blue sky. I’d woken up to the sound of birds chirping, and many of the flowers in our front yard were in full bloom.
I love spring because life springs forth anew after the cold of winter. I thought about how appropriate it is that Easter is in spring. Christ’s crucifixion is like our winter. Bleak. But Resurrection Day is like spring — hope is born and life begins anew.
Spring is nature’s way of reminding us that we are given new life through the resurrection of Christ. We are given a second chance. Even more so than Christmas and the beginning of a new year, the Easter season is symbolic of our new birth and the blossoming of our fruits as believers.
I don’t know how many people actually participate in “spring cleaning” anymore, but it’s a wonderful opportunity for us to take a look at our lives and purge them of anything unholy. Just as life feels new during spring, my faith feels new and exciting during the Easter season.
My zeal for God is renewed, and I find myself desiring to spend more time with God. I’m more apt to ask others for prayer or to pray with others. Usually, that’s an insecurity of mine.
It is a chance for us to reflect on how we conduct ourselves and whether or not we’ve been living out our faith as lights for Christ. As we consider Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, it draws us to reflect on our sins and our need for Christ’s sacrifice.
We are washed white as snow by the blood of Christ. We are forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness. Indeed, our old selves have been crucified with Christ, and we are made new through His resurrection (Galatians 2:20).
Easter is so much different now than it was when I was younger. The focus used to be on Easter baskets and egg hunts. We always went to church, and I understood the message and why we celebrate Easter, but that was only part of the day. Now, the only Easter baskets are those for my niece and nephew, and Easter has only as much meaning as I give it.
Resurrection Day is more than a single day that simply comes and goes every year. It is part of the Easter season. Lent is over, and Resurrection Day has come and gone, but we have yet to reach Pentecost. In Scripture, we see the bursting forth of faith. We see the zeal of the Apostle Paul. We see spiritual gifts blossom like never before.
Easter season is an exciting time for believers. Our Savior is risen! Alleluia! Let us allow our faith to be given new life. What are some of the ways you will strengthen your faith and your zeal in the coming weeks?
Copyright 2014 Amy Kessler. All rights reserved.