Ever heard these words or said them yourself, “I just really feel like God is telling me to (fill in the blank)”? People say this quite a bit and most sincerely believe it. And though God may not hang banners from the sky or sit down next to us in Starbucks to tell us His thoughts, He can definitely make His will known to us … if we ask for it.
There is a huge difference between seeking God’s will and simply waiting for it. I have the tendency to sit in God’s waiting room. I have a question, I ask it, and then I wait … and wait … and before I know it I get fed up with waiting (because I have minimal patience) and make a decision based on emotion.
Once the decision is made, it is easy to sign God off on it and claim that it must have been His will. This decision-making process may take less time, but I can assure it is not the most effective.
Seeking God’s will can be discouraging and time-consuming. We can’t expect to get answers from God when we mumble our prayers as we drift off to sleep at night and leave it at that. Seeking God’s will requires work, commitment, and time. God gave us His word, His people, His Spirit, and His Son all for a reason. These are resources that we should use daily and be pouring ourselves into them and through them.
As a Christian, it is exciting to know what God wants for our lives and feel Him working in us. BUT we also have a responsibility to use this knowledge wisely. Before you justify your reason for doing something as “I just really know this is what God wants” make sure you are saying this in 100% honesty.
Simply put, be careful not to forge God’s signature on a decision or an action. Use discernment between hearing His calling and acting on your (fallen) human emotions.
Copyright 2010 Chelsey Nugteren. All rights reserved.