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My Boundless Internship Almost Didn’t Happen

melissa schill - boundless internship
Little did I know that the Boundless internship was in God’s plan for me; it just showed up a little farther along the path.

My name is Melissa Schill, and this is my first week as the Boundless summer intern.

At the beginning of the year, I made the decision to take more risks. A trademark of my personality is that I tend to stick to what I am good at and comfortable with. I have slowly come to realize that this is evidence of a deep desire for control, something that I should have given up when I gave my life to Christ. Yet here I am, 20 years old and still tightly gripping the steering wheel of my life. Cue my resolution to take more risks (and cue “Jesus Take the Wheel”). This resolution was — and daily is — about wholeheartedly trusting the goodness of God’s plan and His control over my life.

Applying to intern at Boundless was a direct result of this goal. I wasn’t sure if I was “good enough.” As a college sophomore, I wasn’t sure if I had taken enough relevant classes to qualify for the internship. I wasn’t sure I was up to par for an organization as established as Focus on the Family. The list of excuses was long, yet I could not shake the feeling that this was something I should go for. I submitted my resume to Focus on the Family and control to the Lord.

I wasn’t offered the position at first. Receiving the “no” was both disappointing and humbling. I couldn’t figure out why I had felt so led to apply if it ended in a rejection. But I stood back up and kept walking along the path the Lord had set before me. Little did I know that the Boundless internship was in God’s plan for me; it just showed up a little farther along the path.

Amidst the frenzy of the coronavirus in March, I was offered the internship after another candidate dropped out. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement. I was shocked, thrilled — and have been ever since.

Now that I’m here, I look forward to sharing more about myself with the Boundless community. In fact, let’s start now.

I am a rising junior at Wheaton College where I study communication media studies with a minor in English writing and a journalism certificate. I have been heavily involved in print news for the larger part of my high school and college years, and the time spent in the newsroom has been formative for my development as a writer, thinker and learner.

Dance has also been a formative part of my life; I have been dancing since I could walk. Contemporary, ballet, tap…you name it, I’ve done it. Dance as worship is an especially important topic to me, so if you ever want to get me on my soapbox, ask me about embodiment.

I am the oldest of five children and am a stereotypical first-born child through and through. Responsible, rule-follower — you get the idea. If you’re into the Enneagram (like me), I’m a 1w9. Don’t be misled, though — I am always down for a fun adventure.

Now that you know a little bit about me, tell me about yourself. I look forward to interacting with you in weekly blog posts, social media and perhaps even “The Boundless Show.”

Here’s to a summer of learning and growing together and taking some risks along the way. In it all, let’s follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and trust that our Father’s plans are good.

Copyright 2020 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved.

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About the Author

Melissa Schill

Melissa Schill was the Boundless intern in 2020 and worked on projects for the blog, social media and “The Boundless Show.” She went to Wheaton College and studied communication media studies, English writing and journalism. Apart from writing, Melissa is passionate about dance as a form of worship, and enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with her four younger siblings.

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