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10 People to Follow on Twitter


 I am a big fan of Twitter, mostly because having a 140-character limit forces creativity and brevity. It’s a great place for humor and quick quotes, so I recommend it as a social media platform. So on that note, I give you 10 people you should follow on Twitter. Consider it my Christmas gift to you, dear blog readers.

1. @jonacuff You might know Jon from his Stuff Christians Like blog, but he also writes about pursuing your dreams and how to hustle and work hard to achieve them. Plus he’s funny, so it’s a cool mix of humor and seriously helpful advice. It’s a win-win.

2. @HonestToddler This is a mom who tweets as a toddler, and it’s pretty accurate. If any of your friends tell you their parenting tales about their 2 and 3 year old, then you’ll understand the humor even more. Good for a laugh on a stressful day.

3. @TGC The Gospel Coalition is a collection of theology-driven content, mostly Reformed, with a wide variety of bloggers who cover pretty much every topic you can think of. They had some especially rich and thoughtful content on Ferguson and racial issues within the church.

4. @johnbcrist If you can’t poke fun at yourself and Christian culture, then don’t follow John. He’s a Christian comedian who is equally at home in front of a mega-church congregation as a downtown comedy club.

5. @RNS Religion News Service covers all things religion and includes interesting commentary on current events in the church.

6. @TEDTalks TED Talks are 15- to 20-minute talks on every subject imaginable by experts in their fields. It’s great for at the gym or on your commute to work, and they post new videos on Twitter so you can stay updated on topics that might interest you.

7. @sammyrhodes Sammy Rhodes is a college pastor who originally started out as prodigal sam and was the most hilarious person on Twitter, in my opinion. Now he tweets less on funny stuff and more on serious faith issues as he wrestles with doubt and spiritual maturity.

8. @CSLewisDaily This one needs no explanation: daily quotes from the very quotable C.S. Lewis. This is almost a weekly re-tweet for me, so it’s great if you need a quick shot of Lewis to start your day.

9. @ChrchCurmudgeon If you haven’t noticed by now, I appreciate the snarky humor that Twitter seems to attract. This is an account of an old pastor who wishes church was how it used to be. He doesn’t like hipster worship leaders or pastors in jeans and a goatee, so you can imagine he has lots of fodder for the Twitterverse.

10. @BoundlessTeam You knew I had to include this one, right? Martha and Lisa keep you updated on the latest Boundless content, so be sure to add them to your list of who you’re following.

Who else would you add to the list? Let’s hear your suggestions!


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