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Allison Barron

Hailing from the cold reaches of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Allison is the general manager of Geekdom House, executive editor of Area of Effect magazine, co-host of the Infinity +1 podcast, and staff writer for Christ and Pop Culture. When she’s not writing, designing, or editing, she is usually preoccupied in Hyrule, Middle-earth, or a galaxy far, far away.

Most Recent

You’re More Than Just a Number

The TV show “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” brings up issues of individuality and worth. And I can’t help but wonder why God cares about me when He’s got so many other people to think about. I am just a tiny speck in His universe, after all — one among many. Do I really matter to Him?

Learning from Failure (and Star Wars)

Because I’m a perfectionist, I punish myself when I fail. It would be easier to stubbornly move forward without learning or addressing my shortcomings.

“Evangelism”: A Dirty Word?

A few months ago, my pastor friend invited me to a 12-session Bible study on the topic of evangelism. “Thanks, but no thanks,” was what I wanted to say.

Is Receiving as Important as Giving?

Asking for help isn’t just a necessary evil; it’s actually what God intends for us. And if I need proof, all I have to do is look at Jesus’ life.

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