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Denise Morris Snyder

Denise Morris Snyder is a mom, wife and part-time discipleship pastor at CrossRoads Church in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. She previously worked as an editor for Focus on the Family and a writer for David C Cook. She has her Master’s in Old Testament Biblical Studies from Denver Seminary.

Most Recent

To Everything There Is a Season

It is a weekday morning, and I am at home, working from my living room. I am in my workout clothes, and I will probably run a few errands later this afternoon. The life of a freelancer. I just finished my second year of grad school at Denver Seminary. …

The Happiness Advantage

Yesterday my friend Diana showed me a TED Talk video with Shawn Achor that talks about “The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance.” Achor’s research is based on positive psychology, which is basically the idea that the more positi …

Facebook — Where Everybody Knows Your Opinion

Q: What’s blue and white and gets checked 90 gazillion times a day? A: Facebook! Whenever I am online (which is often due to the fact that I am a seminary student and therefore find the need to procrastinate a lot), I check my Facebook. When I am out a …

Breakup Blues

Although I spent the majority of the last few days on my couch watching any and every March Madness game that I could (and watching my bracket get worse and worse), I also spent some time talking to a couple different friends who recently went through …

Celebrating Purim

Hi, friends! So, you may remember that I’m celebrating all of the biblical holidays this year. This past week was the feast of Purim, which commemorates God saving His people from destruction through the story of Esther and Mordecai. Purim is not one o …

Remembering God in the Dullness

I’ve had the hardest time coming up with something to blog about this week, and I just realized it’s because I’m feeling so “blah” about life lately. Things feel hazy and gray, and I float through most of my days, completing my tasks because I have to, …

The Simple Life

You guys, I’ve been re-reading the Little House on the Prairie books lately. I loved these books and the TV show when I was growing up. I wished I could live on the prairie and wear long skirts and ride around the country in a covered wagon. I once mad …

A Season of Lent

Christ is victorious every single day of the year — but Lent is such a great tangible reminder that we are dust, and Christ has done the work for us.

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