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Josh Loke

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You Are a Work in Progress

Sanctification takes a lifetime. When we mess up, we can rest in the truth that God is not finished with us yet.

Gossip: Destroyer of Community

A pastor, a friend, his wife! Yet no one seemed to care enough to confront or even ask him about the gossip that was being shared.

3 Ways to Limit Your Screen Time

Thanks to smartphones, the amount of time we spend on things like streaming TV shows, games and social media is staggering. How can we limit ourselves?

No, Your Pain Isn’t “OK”

Last week, a few of my close friends went through some pretty painful circumstances. One just ended a long-term relationship, another is struggling with parental rejection, and the last is still reeling from a death in the family. As I’ve listened to s …

Finding the Balance: Be Spontaneous or Stick to the Plan?

When it comes to how we schedule our time, personality probably plays a far bigger part than faith. While some Christians are more comfortable with a set schedule each day, others are more inclined toward spontaneity and perhaps don’t plan their days a …

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