Life is challenging for Christian singles. How do you balance work and personal life? How do you own your faith? How can you date with a purpose? And prepare for marriage? All while honoring God through it all? Hit up The Boundless Show, a Christian podcast for young adults, for some good, honest conversation. The young adult years are full of possibility and choices that shape who you become. Join host Lisa Anderson to discuss the highs and lows, lean on each other, and trust God in this important season of adulthood.
57:32 - Ideas for getting out and making friends, plus author Jerry Jenkins on boundaries with the opposite sex, and signs you’re in an abusive relationship.
June 28, 2008
Division of labor in marriage, Plugged In’s Bob Waliszewski talks about the summer movies, being single, and a question about preparing for marriage.
June 20, 2008
Sex and singles, Casting Crowns, a critical spirit, and a question about being attracted to a lot of women.
June 13, 2008
Finding your spiritual gifts, a review of Sex and the City, and a question about too little intimacy before marriage.
June 6, 2008
Alex and Brett Harris do hard things, “The Theology of the Body,” making decisions, and a question about being both a Christian and practicing homosexual.
May 30, 2008
Joshua Harris, plus Mark Dever on getting into the Word of God, Al Mohler, and a question on how to find a solid, Bible-believing-and-preaching church.
Have a question about relationships, life or faith you’d like answered on the show? We’d love to hear from you!