57:48 –
What confidence looks like, plus a young adult’s journey with chronic pain, and how to honor God in everyday life.
Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSC
Roundtable: Confident Relationships, Work and Identity
What is confidence, and how do you get it? It’s probably more than Julie Andrews dancing around a Salzburg fountain and chirping, “I have confidence!” Yet it seems that some elements of confidence can be learned, if not merely wished into existence. Our guests share tips for being more confident on the job, in relationships, and in understanding who you are.
Culture: Young Adults and Chronic Pain
Olivia Feller started having weird symptoms in her teens. Doctor after doctor failed to provide a diagnosis, cure, or even relief, and eventually Olivia’s pain became debilitating. College was a blur of medical appointments, skipped classes and missed milestones and events. Olivia, still on her journey, learned to face pain and chronic illness head-on as she turned to the only one with the answers — God himself. She shares what worked, what didn’t work, and how God, friends and others were her strength when she had none.
Hold Hope: Encouragement for Christians with Chronic Pain
Inbox: How Do I Honor God?
What does it mean to “honor God” and others in the life we live and the choices we make? It’s a big question that one of our counselors sheds some light on.
Donate a gift of any amount to Boundless and you’ll receive “Hold Hope: Encouragement for Christians with Chronic Pain”. by Olivia Feller.
Have a question about relationships, life or faith you’d like answered on the show? We’d love to hear from you!