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January 2, 2025

New Year Transitions: Episode 883

55:55 – 

Embracing changes in a new year, plus what grief looks like, and do you hate responsibility? 

Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens

Roundtable: New Year, New Opportunities

A new job. An engagement. Starting a dating relationship. Moving to a new place. One of the beauties of life is the chance to grow, try new things, and step into adventure. But with change comes a whole new set of challenges. To share wisdom on getting through adjustments you’ll make this year, our guests discuss what lessons they’ve learned through life’s transitions.      

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Culture: The Process of Grief

Grief comes in many forms. Whether death, injury, disappointment or betrayal, grief often arrives unannounced and without an instruction manual. Rather than progressing in a straight line or on a specific timetable, grief moves in cycles. At least that’s what counselor and educator Dr. Ray Mitsch says. The victim of a serious accident that has him in constant pain, Dr. Mitsch walks us through how to navigate the different components of grief, how to comfort the grieving, and when to know it’s time to get professional help in processing loss.          

Inbox: I Don’t Like Responsibility

Being a grownup means taking responsibility for everything from life skills to decisions to how we treat others. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, though. If you’re responsibility-averse, you’ll be encouraged by the words of counselor Jeff Brown. 

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Article: Adult Before 30? 

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