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March 17, 2022

Pay Off That Debt: Episode 737

49:49 – 

Creative ideas for paying down debt, plus a Q&A on friendships with the opposite gender, and dating without disappointing your parents.            

Featured musical artist:  Stu Garrard

Roundtable: Creative Ways to Tackle Debt

School loans, car payments, credit cards. Many young adults walk into adulthood staring at a mountain of debt. Is there a way to take control and start chipping away at the problem? Surprisingly, small steps make a big difference, and being creative in your approach will get you even further. Our guests share their most unique and efficient ways to pay off debt and save money.    

Culture: Guy and Girl Friendships (Part 2)

Ambiguous male/female friendships — they happen to the best of us. Fortunately, Boundless contributors Joshua Rogers and Suzanne Gosselin have written about the subject and are here to talk about it. Are opposite-gender friendships possible? What happens when one party develops feelings for the other? In part two of our discussion, Joshua and Suzanne answer your questions about guy and girl friendships.    

Links to Articles: “Not Your Buddy” & “Your Friendgirl Deserves Better” & “Whose Job Is It to Define the Relationship?” & “Revisiting ‘Not Your Buddy'”

Inbox: Will My Parents Feel Left Out?

She’s close with her parents, and is somewhat of a social and emotional support for them. She wants to start dating, but doesn’t want her parents to feel abandoned in the process. What’s the best move? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in. 

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