50:32 –
The “children/no children” conversation, plus navigating death with a loved one, and when you and your friend like the same person.
Featured musical artist: About a Mile
Roundtable: Let’s Talk About Having Kids
When dating someone and considering marriage, it’s common to eventually ask: Do you want children? Obviously, it’s a big decision that should be discussed before tying the knot. But what if the two of you disagree on the subject? What if one is undecided, or you both have different opinions on timing, number of kids, or something else? Is the “kids” convo a dealbreaker? Our guests talk through this tricky issue with grace and wisdom for us all.
Culture: Death and Dying
Helping a friend or loved one navigate the dying process — whether in old age, sickness or tragedy — is one of the most challenging things you will ever do. At the same time, it is also a journey filled with meaningful moments. Dr. Margaret Cottle and Dr. Bill Toffler are physicians specializing in end of life issues. They’ll share helpful perspectives on how to cope when you receive hard news, how to support someone who is dying, how to walk through grief, and how to embrace caregiving and be a support to other caregivers. They also share a biblical perspective on assisted suicide.
Article by Lisa: My Mom Is Killing Me
Inbox: When Your Friend Likes the Same Guy
She’s liked a guy for a while but didn’t tell anyone, and now one of her friends happens to like him too. What should she do — confess her feelings for this man, or wait and see what happens? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
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Have a question about relationships, life or faith you’d like answered on the show? We’d love to hear from you!