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Roundtable Segment

Suffering Saints

24:54 – 

Jason and Kara Tippetts had big plans. God called them to Colorado to plant a church, and they (somewhat pridefully, they admit) assumed He would use their gifts to do great things. But they were stopped in their tracks when the day after they arrived, Kara fainted, was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a heart condition. A few months later they bought a home, only to be evacuated days later because of the historic Waldo Canyon Fire. Weeks after that, Kara was delivered the blow of a breast cancer diagnosis. How do we process an onslaught of trials that we can’t explain? Does God bless some people more than others? What if we feel forgotten or abandoned as tragedy and hardship continue to strike? Listen in as this young couple explains what it’s like to look up from the pit and see God.

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