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Temporarily Yours

Divorce is so common that people talk about “starter marriages.” It doesn’t have to be that way.

Grandma, Where Have You Gone?

Too often, we don’t realize a good thing till it’s gone. That’s saddest when the good thing is a grandparent.

Going All the Way

It’s one thing to justify your “relationship” to your friends, it’s quite another when Theophilus starts calling you on the carpet.

False Compassion

Why is it so easy to end up dating the wrong kind of guy? You say you attract losers? Read on. You may be confusing love with sympathy.

College Ruined Her

Sometimes, a trip home for the holidays can be a painful experience. Especially when you’ve changed.

My Surrogate Family

Leaving your family behind to go to college can be traumatic. But the friendships you form go a long way to fill the gap.

Missionary Dating

People don’t plan to change their opinions, get pregnant, lose their virginity, fall in love with the wrong guy … or do they?