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Does it really matter that much to go to a Christian college?

I think I felt/feel like unless I go to a Christian college, I'm not going to accomplish anything spectacular in life.


I had a question about which college someone attends. In my circle of friends, three went to a Christian college. I went to a secular school for my first year of my own college career. The second year I had enough money to go to a Christian college. But now since this academic year ended, I seem to have no way to afford going back to the Christian college and am forced to go to a secular school. I’m starting to realize something possibly psychological happening though. I think I felt/feel like unless I go to a Christian college, I’m not going to accomplish anything spectacular in life. I started thinking about it, this is only four to five years of my life here, and then I go off to my career. What do you guys think about this? Do you think it really matters THAT much to go to a Christian school?


What matters most is not so much your environment but your own personal framework through which you view all of life, whether you’re in college (Christian or secular), in a career or ministry or whatever. Your life is about God’s glory — His spectacular-ness — not about what we might define as a “spectacular” accomplishment this side of heaven. What is spectacular is when we live our lives for His glory and not our own, and that is not dependent upon where we attend college or even if we attend college.

Practically speaking, we could list pro’s and con’s of a Christian’s attendance at either a secular or Christian school, but that often comes down to the individual school and the Christian attending it. It’s great if you can take advantage of the opportunity to attend a quality school that views the universe and education through a Christian framework, but not a requirement for God to receive glory from your life or for you to do the good works which God has prepared for you to do.

I did both — undergraduate at a secular school and graduate at seminary. God used them both to prepare me for what He has called me to do.

If you do decide to attend a secular school, be sure to plug yourself in to a local church body and take advantage of any ministry groups on campus such as Intervarsity or Campus Crusade. God made you for community, so don’t try to go it alone.



Copyright 2006 John Thomas. All rights reserved.

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John Thomas

John Thomas has been a Boundless contributor since its beginning in 1998. He and his wife, Alfie, have three children and live in Arkansas, where he serves as executive director of Ozark Camp and Conference Center, a youth camp and retreat center.


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