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What Jesus Thinks of Women

women standing in a circle, holding hands and smiling

In a culture that considered women property, Jesus set the example for how women should be treated then — and now.

The Promise of AI

a person working on a computer, "talking" with and AI chat bot

Artificial intelligence is here to stay. What does this mean for humans who reflect a creative and personal God?

I, JUDAS (Part 2)

a bag of 30 pieces of silver for turning over the Messiah to the Romans - a symbol of betrayal

“How much would you pay for the Rabbi?” (A fictional short story on the events of Holy Week, from Judas’ perspective.)

I, JUDAS (Part 1)

a statue of Judas kissing the Messiah

I wanted to believe he was the Messiah. But why wouldn’t he help me—or heal my son? (A fictional short story on the events of Holy Week, from Judas’ perspective.)

The Dangers of Cynicism

a man, wearing glasses, looking at the camera with cynicism

Cynicism may not destroy you in a few hours or days, but if it goes unaddressed, it will wreck your life.