A couple of out-of-state Boundless fans (shout-out to Natasha and Alex) are coming to see the Boundless team, and since we’re overdue for hosting a Boundless meetup at Focus on the Family, we decided to have one while they’re here. So if you’re in Springs or the surrounding area, join us on Tuesday, June 26!
We’ll have coffee, tea and cookies and time to chat and get to know you. You’ll have a chance to tour Focus on the Family and get to see the recording studio where “The Boundless Show” is recorded every week. Also, there’ll be an opportunity for you to be recorded telling your story — which one day might get included on an episode of the show.
Kathryn (“The Boundless Show” producer), John (Boundless intern) and I (Abby — Boundless editor) will be your hosts, and we’d love to hang out and hear feedback about how Boundless has influenced you and how we could be improving it more. Unfortunately, Lisa is on vacation, so she’ll be unable to join us!
Here’s the details for our casual afternoon:
Address: Focus on the Family, Admin Building, 8605 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Day: Tuesday, June 26
Time: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Please let us know if you can come — it’ll help us a lot and go a long way to ensure you’ll actually get a cookie! RSVP to the event on Facebook or send us a note at [email protected]. Though, of course, if you forget to RSVP, still come. We want to see you!