I love many of Lauren Daigle’s songs. During a difficult time in my life, her songs “Trust in You” and “O’ Lord” really encouraged me and helped me keep my eyes on Jesus. When she was criticized for singing on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” I disagreed. I think it’s important for Christians to share their faith where they can.
But they should do so without compromise.
In a recent interview, Lauren was straightforwardly asked if she “felt” homosexuality was a sin.
“I can’t honestly answer on that, in the sense of I have too many people that I love and they are homosexuals,” she told the man who was interviewing her.
“I can’t say one way or the other; I’m not God. When people ask questions like that, I just say, ‘Read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out let me know because I’m learning too,’” she added.
Listen, I can certainly understand the temptation to avoid answering such a loaded question given today’s cultural climate. We live in a time when Christians get no slack whatsoever. If you believe in biblical sexuality, you receive no benefit of the doubt. You’re condemned as a backwards ignorant person at best…but more often, as a hateful bigot.
But still, we must remember that as Christians, we don’t get to pick our truth. We don’t have the right to excuse sin just because people we know and love do it. We don’t get to be disingenuous to imply the answer is not obvious or is hidden — because the Bible is very clear on the topic. Which is why the only option for the Christian is to proclaim what God has said — and to do it in love.
How to answer the question, then? How to convey truth and love (given they go hand-in-hand)?
Define your terms.
What does the person mean by “homosexuality”?
If we’re talking about same-sex attraction…well, no, temptation is not a sin. Jesus was tempted, and He never sinned. All of us face many temptations every day, and we can choose to not act on them. We can choose to not feed sinful desires. We can choose to not be defined by our temptations.
However, if we’re defining homosexuality as the embracing of a gay or lesbian identity and accepting same-sex romantic relationships as good, then yes, that is a sin. It’s calling good what God has said is wrong.
Put the sin in context.
The Bible teaches that homosexual sex is sinful — but it also teaches that any sexual behavior besides that of a man and woman within the covenant of marriage is sinful. That includes premarital sex, extramarital affairs — and yes, even lustful thoughts.
I think it’s pretty clear that, by that measure, all of us have sinned sexually. Heterosexual sin is wrong, and homosexual sin is wrong.
Give hope.
The Bible teaches we have all “sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). All of us are condemned, because the wages of sin is death.
But there is good news: God in His great love wanted to bring glory to himself and save us. He didn’t want to leave us broken and lost in our sin. So He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth.
That is what we’re celebrating now at Christmas: God incarnate. He was born so He could live the perfect life we could not live, and then die in our place to pay the penalty for sin that we could not pay. He laid down His life for us — there is no greater love!
After this, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, comes in. He gives us the gift of repentance. He convicts us of our sin so we can repent and be washed and made new.
With that comes a lifelong journey of sanctification — of falling down and getting back up. Of having our mind renewed again and again, little by little, and of learning to be like Jesus. It’s not always an easy road, but it is worth it to know God and walk with your Creator.
Take a stand.
To truly love others like Lauren said she loves the people in her life who identify as homosexual, you have to tell the truth. Because there can be no repentance without clarity. There is no understanding of grace without the realization of sin.
Likewise, God equips believers with the knowledge and courage we need to lovingly share biblical truth, to walk with hurting people through their struggles, and to bear whatever social consequences may come as a result of our biblical stand.
It is only with God’s help that Lauren Daigle or any of us can live out 1 Peter 3:14-17:
But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.
In short, let’s not fear the contempt of the sophisticated world. Let’s be willing to be fools for Christ. It’s only by His truth that we can be set free.
Copyright 2018 Monica Schleicher. All righrs reserved.