Guest post by Kathy DeMattee, program director of Christian worldview at Focus on the Family:
The word “transformation” is so overused today that it is practically robbed of its significance and power. The Greek word of similar meaning is “metamorphoo” from which we get the English word “metamorphosis.” It often conjures up visions of a butterfly emerging from its struggle in the cocoon after the radical changes experienced by the earthbound caterpillar.
God uses this word very carefully in Scripture, first using it to describe Christ’s glorious transfiguration. Then He uses it to describe how you and I are being radically changed into the likeness of Christ. And finally, the only other place where God uses this special word is Romans 12:2 where we read, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” This one Scripture forms the key vision and strategy of Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project®, a DVD curriculum designed for your small group study.
Unfortunately, the body of Christ has, in many ways, been conformed to the pattern of the world. We are constantly bombarded by the lies of the world — we need transformation, and we need it desperately!
Deep transformation truly does come from the renewing of the mind, and The Truth Project is designed to help you dig in deep and build a systematic and comprehensive biblical framework by studying God’s blueprint for all of life. The study is encompassed in 13 hours of high-production value video lessons with our host and guide, Dr. Del Tackett. The best part is that all you have to do is plug it in and watch, then end your time together with some discussion about what you’ve just seen. The conversation that follows will be robust, and you might just have a struggle to get them all out the door!
The Truth Project answers the big questions: What is Truth? Who is man? Who is God? Am I alone? God cares, do I? It further explores how God speaks into every aspect of our lives through the social orders of family, church, community, labor, and the state with His love and direction. Along the way you will learn how to organize and evaluate various opposing ideas that all claim to be the truth so that you are equipped to recognize where the world would desire to take you captive.
We want your Truth Project group to be the most successful group ever, so Focus on the Family has provided a short, one-hour online training for the small group leader. In this training we’ll talk more about the three essential roles of the small group leader and share the strategy and vision behind The Truth Project and explain how you can obtain this fast paced thought provoking study. Please visit us online at and begin preparing for your best small group ever or find a Truth Project small group near you.
“You and I are engaged in a cosmic battle—a battle that is raging for the hearts and minds of people the world over, pitting the truth claims of God against the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil. It is a battle over what you truly believe.” —Dr. Del Tackett, creator of Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project