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Your Turn: The Good Versus the Pleasurable


Recently, while I was reflecting on the events of the past year and my current situation in life, I kept thinking of the Scripture which tells us that God does not withhold any good from those that walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11). Having lost my job almost a year ago and still without employment, I wondered how I could reconcile the events in my life and the Word of God which I know to be infallible.

In taking a closer look at my life this past year, I realized that although 2013 has been a challenging year for me, particularly financially, it has ironically been a great year as well. There were so many times of uncertainty and fear, but it was in those times that I most felt the Lord’s comfort and the assurance of His presence. He has provided for me in amazing ways and I can boldly declare Him to be faithful to me.

Over the past year, I have learned that unless we have needed the Lord’s help, we can never truly have a revelation of Him as our very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Although times of trouble are not anything we desire or look forward to, it is usually during such times that we get to know our Lord in very intimate ways.

Many times, when I am tempted to despair over what I am facing, I find my encouragement in the life of the apostle Paul, whom having pleaded with the Lord for deliverance from his sufferings, ended up rejoicing in them, knowing that Christ’s strength was made perfect in his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8-10).

At some point in life, we all face diverse kinds of trials and find ourselves pleading with the Lord for quick deliverance. Should our deliverance tarry (at least from our perspectives), let us not lose hope or faith, but rather, rejoice as Paul did knowing that it is in such times that we are most able to experience the fullness of our God.

The big lesson for me in going through certain difficulties in life and in waiting upon the Lord is this: What is good for me is not always what is pleasurable, and when God promises good, it does not equate to Him promising pleasure. Sometimes the two are the same, but they are by no means synonymous. Ultimately, whatever He allows us to face in this life, we can rest assured that it is for our good and for His glory.

 Rudo Makombe is a 28-year-old lady living in Harare, Zimbabwe. She enjoys sharing God’s Word with others.

If you would like to contribute a post to the Boundless blog’s “Your Turn” Friday feature, see “Writers Wanted” for more details.


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