“I like weddings,” the Doctor said once.
And so do the Whovians of Boundless!
What’s a Whovian? It’s a fan of the long-running British science fiction TV series “Doctor Who.” I’m one of many who read Boundless. Just read the comments on this (in)famous Boundless blog from last December. You’re welcome to join our Facebook group.
“Doctor Who” is a show that’s easier to watch than explain. But to put it succinctly, it follows a Time Lord known as the Doctor as he travels through space and time in his ship, the TARDIS, which looks like a police call box and is bigger on the inside than on the outside. He usually takes companions — most of them human — on his adventures.
My favorite companions are Amy and Rory Pond, a young couple whose superb romance was woven throughout their adventures with the Doctor. They’re one of the greatest couples on TV and stand out in this era of rampant divorce and broken relationships. Their story can teach singles much about marriage and romance. Here are a few highlights.
1. Give someone a chance.
Amy and Rory didn’t start well. While they grew up together, when Rory fell for Amy, she “friend zoned” him. She even complained to him that there weren’t any good guys around. She thought he was timid and boring. While they eventually started dating and got engaged, Amy intended to leave him at the altar. Only once the Doctor brought Rory along on some adventures did Amy see what a catch he was. He displayed great loyalty and courage in harrowing circumstances. He even died a few times to save her (yes, it’s that kind of show).
Are you missing out on finding a spouse because you’re not willing to give someone a chance and let him/her surprise you?
2. Be willing to wait.
In one crazy story that would take too long to fully explain, Rory was made into an android and had to guard Amy while she was imprisoned in a device called the Pandorica — for 2,000 years! He changed his name and identity multiple times, followed the device wherever it was taken, and fought anyone who dared harm it. All until the time-traveling Doctor arrived in the future to open it.
Many of us have waited a long time for true love. It’s a daily battle to trust God and believe He will fulfill the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). But in the end, it’ll be worth the wait.
3. Share adventures together.
Amy and Rory grew exponentially as a couple when they traveled with the Doctor. By helping the Doctor fight aliens and save the universe, they saw how they each handled adversity and conflict. They also created many fond memories. (How many people can say they battled the evil Daleks together?)
Whatever you enjoy doing, do it with your significant other. It’ll give you insights into each other and present great opportunities for discussion. Plus, men tend to bond with others by doing things together, ladies.
4. Be self-sacrificial — unto death.
The definition of love — most especially agape (unconditional) love — is putting the needs of others ahead of one’s own. Amy and Rory did this throughout their story. Then in their final episode, to defeat diabolical aliens, Rory decided he would jump off a building to create a time paradox, thereby saving Amy. But his wife couldn’t risk him dying alone, so she grabbed him and said, “Together, or not at all!” They both jumped.
Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). True love must be willing to suffer for the sake of its object. That’s what Jesus did on the cross and what spouses must do for each other.
5. Your story doesn’t end when you reach the altar.
Most love stories end at the wedding. Amy and Rory’s didn’t. They kept traveling with the Doctor. They grew as a couple. Everything wasn’t perfect when they walked down the aisle. In fact, their greatest challenges came after their wedding.
This is a lesson for all singles: Our (future) weddings aren’t the end-all-be-all of our lives. It won’t mean we’ve “arrived.” Our stories will continue. Our greatest delights and difficulties await us after the altar.
But by God’s grace — and perhaps a little Whovian wisdom — we can meet them.
Nathan Marchand is a freelance writer, novelist, and all-round nerd. His website is NathanJSMarchand.com.
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