I sometimes enjoy reviewing Twitter’s “trending topics,” just to get an unfiltered sense of what folks from a broad variety of cultures and backgrounds are thinking. “Without God” is currently among Twitter’s top 10 trending topics. Here are some of the things that non-Christian tweeple are tweeting:
- Without God we would be flying to work in rockets, have cures to cancer, aides, and hunger by now, but thanks to the dark ages we don’t.
- Without god what would all these morons keep using as a crutch?
- Without God, hundreds of thousands of children would not have been molested priests.
- Without any gods, I’ve become a moral, ethical, critical thinking, educated, upstanding, contributing member of human society.
- Without God, the most powerful tool of oppression would be missing.
- Life is better without god! No god = freedom, intelligence, tolerance, truth, and meaning.
- Without God, I wouldn’t have suffered years of mental and emotional abuse at the hands of my authority figures.
- We’re all Without God. Some of us are just also Without God delusions.
- Without God I feel no shame.
- I am free from religion and living a beautiful, happy, and constructive life without god. 🙂
- I’m Without God Yay!
Of course, there are a lot of God-magnifying tweets, but it’s these God-dismissive ones that draw my attention, and that break my heart. Instead of becoming defensive (God doesn’t need me to defend His existence or character), I ponder how best to share the love of God with these people.
It may not be possible to effectively engage these empassioned non-believers over the Web, let alone via Twitter. But maybe it is. Surely it’s possible to authentically and effectively engage empassioned non-believers through other forms of communication?