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Josh Loke

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Go to Sleep!

We should aim to honor God by taking good care of our bodies, and that includes getting adequate rest.

Are Exercise and Healthy Eating Optional?

One thing I’ve noticed since moving to Hong Kong is that many people here are obsessed with appearance. For those of you who haven’t visited, in Hong Kong there are 3-meter-wide and 1-meter-tall ads for beauty houses (that usually provide slimming and …

What Is Masculinity?

My apologies for being absent the last two weeks. I had to go back home for my dad’s 60th birthday and decided to take a full vacation with no work of any kind. While I was there, a friend of mine told me of an article written in the UK about the decli …

What’s My Calling?

  When I was in my early 20s, just out of university, I had three questions at the forefront of my mind: (1) What should I do with my life? (2) Who should I marry? and (3) How does God fit into everything? Eventually I had to realize that I had th …

Relationships, Part 3: For Women

My original plan was to write a blog, answering this question women always ask me (usually married ones, ironically): “Why are all these godly, beautiful, intelligent, passionate women in church still unmarried?” However, as I was writing, the post got …

Relationships, Part 2: For Men

In this relationship mini-series, last week I addressed a widely held concept within the church of “the one” that I believe is straight up wrong. Essentially, my point was the Bible never says God has one specific person out there that He’ll bring to y …

Relationships, Part 1: The One

Disney has popularized the concept of your “one true love” and finding your prince, but finding “the one” is not a biblical concept.

3 Reasons We Fear Commitment

Recently I read “Dwelling in Possibilities” by Mark Edmundson in The Chronicle of Higher Education. It talks about young adults and their desire for flexibility. I’m sure you’ve noticed it: Whether it’s RSVPing to a party, signing up for a missions tri …

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