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October 12, 2023

Feeling Unwelcome at Church: Episode 819

58:31 – 

When you’re ignored or unwelcome at church, plus dating after trauma, and should you date someone who’s recently divorced?

Featured musical artist:   Danen Kane 

Roundtable: When People at Church Ignore You 

Have you ever visited a church only to have no one shake your hand or say hello? Maybe you haven’t been included in conversation, asked a question, or invited to participate. Most of us have faced some version of this. When it happens, what should you do? Walk out the door forever, snub people in return, or try something else? We talk about the awkward and disappointing effects of not feeling welcome at church, and offer suggestions for how to handle it short- and long-term.

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Culture: Dating After You’ve Experienced Trauma

Whether it’s childhood trauma, circumstantial trauma or trauma related specifically to a past relationship, picking yourself up and moving on is no easy task. How do you know you’re ready to date after such an experience or season? Counselors Angel Perez and Kari A have experienced trauma and currently counsel many clients navigating these tricky waters. They’ll define trauma, suggest first steps, identify roadblocks, and outline healthy ways to re-enter the dating scene.

Inbox: What If He’s Been Divorced? 

She discovered that the guy she’s dating was recently divorced. Where does she go from here, and what does she need to know? Counselor Kari A weighs in, sharing how she addressed this when dating her husband.

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