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Reflecting on 800 episodes, plus more with Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and is church membership biblical?
Roundtable: Celebrating #800
Thanks to you, our listeners, we’ve reached our 800th episode! To mix things up, show producer John Peardon and audio engineer Alex Seeley take a turn hosting the roundtable — with Lisa Anderson as their guest. They ask her to reflect on hosting 800 episodes, plus everything from which Bible character she’d want to trade places with for a day, to things she wants Christians to stop doing, and skills she’s used from previous jobs in her current role.
Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 2)
Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes…marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part two, he’ll address how love needs time to grow, plus why true love embraces and endures.
Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast
Inbox: Should You Join a Church?
Most Christians would agree that being part of a local church is important; but is it necessary to be a member rather than just attend? Is that biblical? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
Donate a gift of any amount to Boundless and you’ll receive “Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage: 12 Secrets for a Lifelong Romance” by Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley.
Have a question about relationships, life or faith you’d like answered on the show? We’d love to hear from you!