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May 23, 2024

Protect Your Mental Health: Episode 851

57:30 – 

Mental health strategies for everyday life, plus more on how singles can make the most of today, and handling awkward same-gender friend dynamics.     

Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens

Roundtable: Mental Health Self-Care

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Whether or not you have a particular mental health diagnosis, we all need to practice self-care in this area. Our panelists discuss guarding our minds and spirits with helpful strategies including good sleep, friendships, boundaries and more. 

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Culture: Loving Singleness Today (Part 2) 

There are two enemies of enjoying your single season: yesterday and tomorrow. When you fixate on either one for too long, you miss opportunities to make the most of today. Ryan Wekenman is a single young adult, pastor, and author of the book, “Single Today.” In part two of our conversation, he’ll answer questions sent in by show listeners.       

Single Today: Conquer Yesterday’s Regrets, Ditch Tomorrow’s Worries, and Thrive Right Where You Are

Inbox: She’s Making Me Uncomfortable

She met a girl at a dance class who is acting in a way that makes our listener uncomfortable. Is this a reason for concern or suspicion? What should our listener do? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.  

Link to Counseling Services 

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