The pros and cons of having a roommate or living by yourself, plus using your personality to share your faith, and feeling invisible at church.
Featured musical artist: Hollyn
It’s an important question: Should I find someone to help pay the rent, or embrace having my own space? Anyone who’s had a bad roommate experience will tell you that who you live with can make or break your housing situation. Living alone can be great, but there are huge benefits to doing life with others, too. Our guests tell their stories of having a roommate versus going solo, and how you can determine the living arrangement that’s best for you right now.
As an introvert, Dr. Mike Bechtle felt stuck in how to share his faith. Methods like walking up to complete strangers to introduce the gospel felt awkward and forced. But over time, Mike realized God gave him his unique personality on purpose, and being introverted still affords great opportunities to represent Christ. He learned evangelism is more about getting to know and love people, then having honest conversations. When we know how God wired us, sharing about Jesus comes more naturally.
She’s been at her church for three years, and has even served on ministry teams. Yet she hasn’t made any close friends and wonders if people there know she exists. Even after a car accident, nobody from the congregation came to visit her. Is it time to find a new church, or should she continue trying to fit in? Lisa Anderson gives ideas for moving forward.
Donate a gift of any amount to Boundless and you’ll receive “Evangelism for the Rest of Us” by Mike Bechtle.
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