Check out what the Boundless team and contributors plan to read this summer or what they recommend you read. Then let us know what’s on your summer reading list.
Lisa Anderson, host of The Boundless Show
“I’m going to read Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raft by Thor Heyerdahl because:
- It’s by a Norwegian (my peeps)
- I love the South Pacific
- One of my favorite attractions at Disneyland is the Enchanted Tiki Room
- It’s an adventure book, and summer is about adventure
Scott Croft, advice columnist
“I just finished Admirable Evasions: How Psychology Undermines Morality by Theodore Dalrymple (I love all his stuff), and now I’m reading When to Rob a Bank: . . . And 131 Other Warped Suggestions and Well-Intended Rants by Steven Levvitt and Stephen Dubner (the guys who wrote Freakonomics). Both are fascinating little trips into human behavior.”
Ashley Boyer Hendley, blogger
“Washington’s Spies. My husband and I got into the show ‘Turn’ on AMC, which is based on the book.”
Andrew Hess, blogger
“All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr — I’ve heard this is a very engaging, enjoyable read, and it won the Pulitzer prize in fiction. Can 13,000 happy people on Amazon be wrong?”
Martha Krienke, editor and producer
“The first book I finished reading this summer was All the Places to Go: How Will You Know? by John Ortberg. It’s about ‘divinely inspired opportunities’ and encourages believers to trust God as we step out in faith and walk through open doors.”
Josh Loke, blogger
“I’m planning to finish Fit to be Tied by Bill Hybels, but I really want to finish my yearly Bible reading plan strong.”
Joshua Rogers, blogger
“I want to read The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis. Someone quoted him from that book as writing, ‘The opposite of love is not hate — it’s indifference,’ and that quote has stuck with me. I assume the rest of the book is that good — I mean, it’s Lewis — so I bought it and plan to read it this summer.”
Kathryn Sill, intern
“I recommend the book The Reason for God by Timothy Keller, because one of my Bible profs has recommended it to his students many times. It is a good book about defending your faith (apologetics) against the common arguments in culture that try to disprove the Bible, God and Christianity.”
Candice Watters, advice columnist
“I just finished Karen Swallow Prior’s Fierce Convictions, about the lesser known but widely influential British author and abolitionist Hannah More.
“I’m halfway through Joe Rigney’s The Things of Earth, about embracing God’s good gifts of creation without making them gods. Our right enjoyment of His gifts increases our worship to Him.
“Next up, on my nightstand is Tony Reinke’s Newton on the Christian Life, which draws from John Newton’s letters. Once converted, this former slave ship captain not only helped fight the British slave trade but also spent 40 years as a faithful pastor in the Anglican church. Reinke draws from Newton’s prolific letters to friends and church members to help modern-day Christians understand how to fix their eyes on Christ.
“And I’m planning to read Rosaria Butterfield’s autobiographical account of her conversion to Christ, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlinkely Convert.
“Finally, at the beginning of June, I always request as many of the 10 titles on Albert Mohler’s summer reading list that our local library carries. They’re heavy on political and military history and biography, which falls outside my normal go-to subjects. This is good for me. They trickle in serendipitously, depending on how many others are in line for them, as well as which titles the library has bought, which is fun. I try to read at least the first chapter of each, hoping that I’ll go deep into at least one.”