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March 11, 2021

Respectable Sins (Part 2): Episode 684


The struggle with discontentment, plus making Bible reading a daily habit, and what’s your role in finding a spouse?  

Featured musical artist: David Dunn

Roundtable: The Sin of Discontentment

It’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part two of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of discontentment. It may look like obsessing over getting married, comparing yourself to your friends’ adventures on social media, or hating your job and wishing you had a better one. Our guests discuss the subtle ways they’ve struggled with discontentment, and how being grateful for God’s blessings makes the ultimate difference.

Inbox: Finding a Mate: God’s Job or Mine?

He’s single and wants to date, but feels like his options are limited right now. The big question running through his head is: Does God lead you to your spouse, or do you have to find one yourself? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 

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