50:49 –
Pastors discuss the meaning of grace, plus decluttering and cleaning tips from a professional organizer, and should we fast to discern God’s will?
Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta
Roundtable: A Practical Understanding of God’s Grace
Christians love talking about God’s grace — but what does grace really mean for our everyday lives? Is it about salvation? Forgiveness? Just getting through the day? Two pastors discuss some of the misconceptions Christians have about grace, why a biblical understanding of grace is unique, and how grace can empower us to live the Christian life.
Culture: Spring Cleaning and Decluttering
Spring is typically the season when we clean out our clutter, tidy up, and get more organized — or at least we say we will. Professional organizer Jaimi Stewart joins us with practical tips for bringing your good intentions to life. She’ll tackle everything from closets to tech to papers to your wardrobe. Get ready to toss, file and give away!.
Featured Article: The Spiritual Practice of Spring Cleaning
Featured Website: The Simple Sort
Inbox: Fasting to Find God’s Will
Our listener has some big decisions coming up and has been told fasting can help as she prays for God’s direction. How can she practically approach this? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
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