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Amy Kessler

Amy Kessler interned with the Boundless team in 2011 and is a journalism graduate from Biola University with a minor in biblical studies. She has experience in newspapers, magazines, blogging, social media and online content management. Amy lives in California where she works as a marketing assistant for a community college district and blogs about her spiritual life. She enjoys playing tennis, experimenting with HTML, and discussing marriage and relationships.

Most Recent

Grad School: When Is it Worth it?

My husband and I have been having this conversation since last week. I’ve wanted to go back to school for about a year, and the itch has gotten worse lately. When I accepted my job as a marketing assistant for the local community college, I heard about …

Have Some Grace

I’m not sure who said that quote shown above, but I came across it when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed the other day. My husband and I have been talking a lot about grace, and the topic also came up in our pastor’s sermon on Sunday. It’s been …

3 Things I Learned About Marriage on my Honeymoon

Photo by Jessica Sofranko, Lover of Weddings While on my honeymoon last week, I had a few experiences that marriage books can tell you about but not fully prepare you for until you experience it firsthand. There were three different experiences that st …

Let It Go

The title is misleading, but I’m not blogging about Frozen this week. I’m writing about letting things go and having a mentality that is helpful to have not only in life, but also in relationships. I’ve had to let a lot of things go over the last sever …

Celebrating Marriage

Josh and I went to the county clerk’s office last week to get our marriage license. It was interesting sitting in the waiting room and observing the couples who came in to get married at the little chapel in the office. Some brides cried, while others …

Faith Over Fear

Fear paralyzes us, but faith sets us free. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way lately, especially since I’ve been dealing with new food intolerances and allergies. It’s funny how God works because what I bring in worry, my fiancé makes up for in fait …

Keep Your Chin Up

As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I recently cut some foods out of my diet because I suspected food allergies or intolerances. When I asked my doctor about a food allergy test, he sent me to have some lab work done. To my surprise, everything came …

Standing Up for Femininity

Actress Kirsten Dunst recently caused a stir after she made some comments during an interview about femininity being undervalued. Her stance was that it’s not a bad choice for a woman to fill a more nurturing, family role than being career-driven. Duns …

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