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Finding the Balance: Be Spontaneous or Stick to the Plan?

When it comes to how we schedule our time, personality probably plays a far bigger part than faith. While some Christians are more comfortable with a set schedule each day, others are more inclined toward spontaneity and perhaps don’t plan their days a …

Summer Reading List

Check out what the Boundless team and contributors plan to read this summer or what they recommend you read. Then let us know what’s on your summer reading list. Lisa Anderson, host of The Boundless Show “I’m going to read Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific …

Getting Your Dream Job

So you’re a young adult. You’ve finished high school, possibly graduated from college, and now you look at the world before you: a vast array of opportunities, choices and possibilities. But they’re all hidden behind the daunting prospect of actually g …

Blogging Is Like Running a Lemonade Stand

On Jan. 8, 2010, I sat down and wrote my first post over at my personal blog, wondering if it might go viral. It did not, but I was undeterred. I figured it would just take some time — you know, six months or so — before the world recognized my talent. …

What Is Stress?

Stress. It’s a word I hear a lot these days. Whether from youth, young adults, friends or family, both in the church and outside, it seems like everyone I know is stressed, anxious or worried about something. My question is why. Why are we stressed if …

The Value of Humor

“If I had a dollar for every woman who found me unattractive, eventually they would find me attractive.” “Would you mind holding this for me while I take a walk?” (hold out your hand) “I’m single by choice…just not my choice.” Did these jokes elicit a …

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